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I'm sorry.

Merianne Drew

Updated: Apr 22, 2022

I'm sorry I dragged my feet on hiring my current coach. My coach, Stacey is helping me develop into a better coach every single day. I am constantly up-leveling and so excited to serve my clients in more powerful ways.

When I finally got honest with myself about my tired-ass excuses and the rewards I was giving up by not investing in myself, it became a shut-up-and-take-my-money situation. The new me is certainly glad my former self felt the fear and did what her old thought system told her not to do: I hired a damn coach!

What's in it for you? Among many breakthroughs, Stacey has helped me to understand that the way I was trained to structure my coaching program was not serving my clients to connect them to their results in the fastest, most efficient way possible. So...I've made a few changes...

Effective Immediately:

1. Minimum coaching package is six months (not three months) of on-on-one coaching. A year is even better if you want lasting results. Let's get real! Transformation takes time. The thought conditioning that keeps us from the results we want took a lifetime to develop and congeal. Undoing it will take time and more conscious effort than is comfortable to admit. Three years ago, a coach of mine gifted me some priceless wisdom: You can't walk 10 miles into a forest, turn around and expect to walk out in five. I KNOW this from my own transformation and from working with some of my clients for a year or more.

2. One-hour weekly coaching calls are included in every coaching program.

Two weeks is too long between coaching sessions. We're undoing years of thought and behavior conditioning here!

As a special gift to make amends, until the end of the year I'm offering new clients the six-month program for the price of the 3-month program! That's four times the coaching sessions for half the price. If you've been waiting to pull the trigger on your coaching program, now is the time. It's never been better to work with me as your personal coach. You've been waiting long enough to start living life on your own terms - long enough to start showing up as the human, parent, spouse, friend, business owner, or professional you have been envisioning. It's time!


Contact me today to schedule a FREE discovery session!

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